Here's Francois Chau in 21 and Over, playing a no-nonsense, strict, in-your-face dad with a facial expression that can strike every audience member with so much fressure (fear + pressure), they can essentially feel what it's like to be an Asian kid for 2 hours.
In this storyline, he has a son, which means—what else? Med school!
Bummer. |
But this time, he has a daughter, which means—you got it! Your boyfriend is a THUG.
Oh, and triads. Francois Chau is leader of the triads.
My face too, girl. |
If I've learned one thing, it's that Asian Dads are all about HONOR! and shame. and SUCCESS! and sadness. and FAMILY! and destroying relationships.
"Don't speak to me about what makes my family happy"- Francois Chau, Asian dad & triad leader |
Note: Francois Chau is awesome. But can there please be more than ONE stock Asian dad caricature?